Complements the Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog by focusing on Islam in the Americas. Founded Aug. 17, 2013.
Islamophobia? A phobia is an irrational fear. With Islam, it's irrational not to fear it and keep vigilant. The word is a reverse psychology con to make you stick your head in the sand. Listen to what they say but watch what they do. Fly with the eagles. Short url: http://tinyurl.com/islamwatchblog2
Due to the sinister looming threat by Google to summarily shut down this blog and even cut off access to past posts for preservation without notice or legal right, hoping to get away with trampling our rights, we're moving the blog including all posts to my main Historyscoper site. I'll leave this blog up until Google shuts it down, but there will be no new posts. This blog's posts will be recombined with the main Islam Watch Blog, giving a total of 101K posts. Please adjust your bookmarks to:
The Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog
Effective: Apr. 10, 2015
Allah is an Archenemy of the U.S. Constitution
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire
“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” - Albert Einstein
"Light is more painful in the eyes of those who wake up late." - Agur Schiff
Here's the place to keep up on daily news of the horrible consequences caused by our leaders betraying us and permitting mass Muslim immigration instead of stopping and reversing it and working to disintegrate the Muslim World and end Muhammad's jihad. Allah is an archenemy of the U.S. Constitution, and Pres. Obama has lied to the American people about it, causing pure harm that also has to be reversed. Despite all the b.s. by Western academics about jihad not involving violence, we know that Muslims slaughter each other daily in the Muslim World, so the real question is ARE YOU SAFE? The real horror in the U.S. will begin when Muslims get a foothold in the military, let's hope it never happens.
The Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog
How Impregnating America with Muslims Threatens American Society
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Global Islam is well organized and financed. How about you? It's time to get serious. Go to school now online. The Historyscoper's Modern Muslimscope - Most Powerful Cram Course for Former Ostriches to Start Becoming Eagles - free as a public service.
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Newbies or those with dyslexia: Visit the Historyscoper's Islam Watch Lounge
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper
Islam Versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die
The Islamization of America in 2013
Why I Am an Unashamed Islamophobe
Bang! Out comes the Racism Gun, so powerful it can even kill heroic American snipers. Too bad for this sick Saloon writer, Islam isn't a religion, it's an ideology that wants to absorb all races. But true, the Arab race absorbed it first, which to a real racist might serve as proof of their racial inferiority :) In Kyle's case, he was just a patriot American who volunteered overseas to stop Muslim terrorism to prevent it from coming to America. This gives nobody a royal platform to judge him, sorry. The real irony of Kyle is that while he was busy in Iraq picking off Muslim terrorists one by one, our traitorous govt. was opening the gates to mass Muslim immigration to the U.S., filling his homeland with future Muslim terrorists, while rags like Saloon jump to act as their lawyer and get them off in court, even before they do anything.
ReplyDeleteWe're already in the early stages of the Great American-Muslim Civil War, with Pres. Obama lying his ass off that ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc. have nothing to with Islam, hence he'd love millions of "real" Muslims to come to America to make it stronger. Too bad, there's a problem with that plan, it's called Resident Evil. In every group of Muslims, there's a percentage who turn jihadist and another larger percentage who want to subvert the Constitution and replace it with Sharia that will end the existence of the United States of America and turn it into Americastan. I can already hear Saloon's future stance in this article, rushing to pull the racist card in a dishonest cynical effort to silence critics, calling out names of patriots as if to shame them, not even Clint Eastwood being exmpt. Woo woo, the poor misunderstood American Muslim terrorists did it because their new country was filled with racists, and that ends all discussion. Sorry, but all the non-Muslim people of the U.S. need to unite, rise up, and do what the people of Europe are doing, throwing their leftist overlords out of power so that they can stop and reverse mass Muslim immigration and quarantine the horrible Muslim World as long as it has its terrorist problem. This is an existential problem. Our grandchildren will hate us for not doing it. Read my Winslow Plan for Defeating Islam, the only one based on the truth that shows what is necessary and the price that must be paid after the sick leftist racism card b.s. is chucked and people of all races make a stand against the horrible ideology of world dominating Islam and its Sharia government.